
What is Platonic Intimacy? | Written 5-8-23

What is Platonic Intimacy? When I began my tantric, spiritual awakening, I was overwhelmed with tons of strong emotions. As my heart chakra opened, it became difficult for me to deal with my female massage clients. They could sense the changes in my energy and requested things from me that I couldn't provide. Fortunately for all of us, I was drawn to the desert areas of Wittmann, Arizona. I spent numerous hours meditating and collecting crystals. Little did I know, I was grounding near one of the most powerful vortex locations in the country. My rituals enhanced my intuition which in turn led me deeper into tantric practices. Once I began experimenting with kundalini flows, the women wanted to form lasting bonds with me. These women became the archetype models for my soul tribe and helped me explore the depths of sacred polarities. I needed a way to relate to them while dealing with the various side effects of energetic alignment. This is how the Platonic Intimacy concept was born.

Are You Ready to Lose Your Sacred Virginity to Avatar INFI VISION?

If you go deep enough inside of a woman, you find nothing but oneness. My experiences in the world of sacred polarities have been eye-opening to say the least. There is a constant ebb and flow which keeps me energized and focused. When this kinetic dance is interrupted, something interesting happens. It feels like time stops and the moment has been captured on a screenshot. This screenshot holds tons of meta data which can be analyzed in the future. Once energetic interplay is stopped, it can never be resumed. The process will have to be restarted from the beginning. This continual cycle of starting and stopping helped me discover the perspective of the Observer.  When I intentionally step out of my body, I can watch the physical interaction without being immersed in it. I am able to spend long hours with a naked woman without feeling sexually aroused at all. This has been the key to optimizing my tantric processes.  My ability to control my energy flows is just one side of the equatio

The New Man is here | Welcome to the Era of Anima Integration

We are in a period of great awakening. This means some men are becoming more aware of their anima or unconscious feminine energy aspect. Most men can't handle this process so they feel weak and project softness. Or they try to act super tough and violent to overcompensate. A select few men can transmute feminine energy and become incredibly powerful. A woman can't resist a man who is balanced in his sacred polarities. This is where sex magic flourishes! My imagery on  OnlyFans  and Fetlife explain it better than my words. #KamaShakti #PlatonicIntimacy #Tantra7 #TantraToolbox #WisdomTouch #AvatarInfiVision #SacredVirgin

The Kama Shakti Chakra Activation Methodology

Perfection requires practice. (I wrote this explanation to a new conduit to help her know what is happening while she is being prepared for initiation into the Kama Shakti Tantra paths.)  As one of the premier tantric practitioners of my time, it’s important for me to continually refine my energetic process. I'll give you an overall perspective on how I approach my conduits on an energetic level.  (Keep in mind, I use certain terminologies/methodologies that may not fit exactly what is written in ancient texts. This is to keep my process simple in my own mind and easier to explain to conduits.)  When I engage in a full energetic activation, there are four steps.  1. Chakra assessment. I use my hands to assess the physical density of the conduit. Physical density is the energy that your body is emitting. This is different than your aura. When a chakra is blocked, the energy can't flow, so it is emitted out of your body. I can feel it without even touching you.  2. Chakra cleari

Who/What is the Transcended Man?

Over the past 30 years of my adulthood, I have continually found ways to push myself further and further outside of the confines of polite society. This relentless pursuit of true self-actualization  has led me to explore various business ventures, relationship styles, religious beliefs, and philosophies. For the past 4 years, I've been immersed in the timeless teachings of the philosophers Carl Jung and F riedrich Nietzsche .  During my long hours of archetyping/shadow work, I have been able to venture into the depths of my subconscious. I have successfully integrated the anima, persona, and shadow aspects of my being with alchemical preciseness. I call this process of metaphysical upgrading my "transcendence." The Transcended Man is simply the personification of Kama Shakti (The Desire for Power). The Transcended Man embodies the full spectrum of sacred masculinity while effectively integrating his sacred feminine spark. Most importantly, he is able to bring all of thes

What is a Woman of Discernment? Is it YOU?

My transcendental aura attracts 100s of women each year. Only a select few are allowed into my paradigm container.   What is a Woman of Discernment? 10 ways to know if you are HER 100s of women have been attracted to my aura and teachings in the past few years.  They come from all walks of life, yet have one major similarity.  They all have an enhanced sense of discernment.  It takes a special woman to be able to jump onto my frequency and immediately be able to recognize my gifts.  Unfortunately, this level of discernment has a major downside as well. The more discerning you are, the harder it may become for you to find someone who wants to have a romantic, human, relationship with you.  You can go out on a lot of dates but at some point the relationship fails to progress any further and that is mainly because of the intensity of your intuition.  Not every man is strong enough to handle a discerning woman. Here’s why: 1. A discerning woman asks deep questions . A discerning wo

Kundalini Looping Methodology/Magic 2024

Kama Shakti Metaphysical Tantra is an ever-evolving practice. Here is all of the updated info on my proprietary Kundalini Method as of 3-1-24 Kundalini Looping Methodology This is how it should be done. After years of practicing tantric energy work, I've developed my own unique method of bringing a woman into the highest states of consciousness. Kama Shakti Kundalini Looping is an advanced ritual that requires immense patience and discipline. Don't try this with a stranger or someone who is overtly root-focused. This is the entire process. Step 1: By accessing Vortex energy, I can connect with you thru your crown chakra. Vortex energy is light and your body will welcome it. Step 2: Using sacred chakra massage techniques, I will bring the energy thru your 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, and sacral chakras. Step 3: Once the Vortex energy reaches your root chakra, it will blend with your Kundalini energy. This is a pivotal moment in the process. Your root will be fully op