Kundalini Looping Methodology/Magic 2024

Kama Shakti Metaphysical Tantra is an ever-evolving practice.
Here is all of the updated info on my proprietary Kundalini Method as of 3-1-24

Kundalini Looping Methodology

This is how it should be done.

After years of practicing tantric energy work, I've developed my own unique method of bringing a woman into the highest states of consciousness.

Kama Shakti Kundalini Looping is an advanced ritual that requires immense patience and discipline.

Don't try this with a stranger or someone who is overtly root-focused.

This is the entire process.

Step 1: By accessing Vortex energy, I can connect with you thru your crown chakra. Vortex energy is light and your body will welcome it.

Step 2: Using sacred chakra massage techniques, I will bring the energy thru your 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, and sacral chakras.

Step 3: Once the Vortex energy reaches your root chakra, it will blend with your Kundalini energy. This is a pivotal moment in the process. Your root will be fully open and you may feel sexually aroused.

Step 4: Using deeper sacred touch methods, I will bring the Vortex/Kundalini energy back up thru your chakra system to your 3rd eye. This step in the process will produce the most enlightenment and maximize your manifestation potential. This is where you should visualize what you will bring into existence.

Step 5: Using my proven breathwork method and mudras, I will forcefully guide the energetic mix out the top of your crown chakra. This is where the looping process officially ends. You will now travel down a path (we already agree upon) that will make the ritual complete.


Path 1: The session will end. You will leave the physical space we shared with a new sense of purpose and personal power. Your entire chakra system has been upgraded and you will have increased abilities and enhanced wisdom.

Path 2: I can use my hands to continue the energetic flow. Your body and spirit will be completely open and able to receive my touch. This tantric massage will be more intense than you could ever imagine.

Path 3: We can create a full-body circuit. This is where our physical bodies will connect at all 7 chakras. We will be able to explore the astral plane and temporarily transcend 3-d reality. We will melt into a physical/spiritual gel that will open your manifestation potential even more. This is where a full-body orgasm can take place.

At the end of the session, I will bring you back into 3-d reality with some light touch and breathwork.

After your session, you will probably be extremely tired. Taking a nap is a great way to help your mind adjust to the new life you are manifesting.

All 7 of your chakras will be totally activated and open.

This means you will be vulnerable to various forms of suggestion or manipulation.

You should refrain from meeting new people or making major decisions while you are open.

Tantra is a lifelong commitment to creating the life you desire.

I will always be here to provide higher forms of guidance.

How I Discovered Kundalini Looping

My methods are unconventional. My results are unquestionable.

When I began dealing with women on an energetic level, I was not comfortable with the feelings that accompanied my spiritual awakening process.

I intentionally created a barrier between my own senses/desires and the experience of the woman.

Little did I know, this separation was a coping mechanism that made it impossible to create true energy flows within my conduits.

At some point in my journey, I gained the confidence to integrate my own sacred polarity into my energy work.

Through lots of trial and error, Intuitive Resonance led me to my most important tantric discovery. Kundalini Looping was the solution to all of the major issues I was having with my conduits.

Let's examine the entire discovery process.

When I began working with all 7 chakras, I would create a full-body circuit of energy by activating all chakras at once.

This was an amazing breakthrough, but I immediately noticed a few troubling side effects.

One, the experience was so intense for the woman, it would make her obsessed with me.

This was not my intended goal and was not helpful in moving my ministry forward.

Two, in order to keep the experience from becoming root dominated, I began overcompensating.

By overly focusing on the 3rd eye and crown chakras, I simply created new issues.

This induced lucid dreams within the women and became a major distraction for them.

Ultimately, I had to remove this practice from my introductory sessions.

From now on, any woman who wants to experience a full-body circuit will need to be properly initiated into the higher levels of my tantric paradigm.

I next began to explore the nuances of Kundalini and linear energy flows.

Through Intuitive Resonance, I discovered the power of moving energy from the root chakra all the way out thru the crown chakra.

I also experimented with moving energy from the crown chakra down thru the root.

This was not as intense as the full-circuit energy work, but it was also not manifesting my intended results.

This can be beneficial, but it can also cause psychosis within the conduits.

Forcefully sending Kundalini down causes the root chakra to explode in multiple orgasms.

I suppose this too can be beneficial in certain circumstances.

It seems like there are plenty of predatory practitioners who wish to take advantage of sexually frustrated women. Not cool at all.

Eventually, my experimentation led me to a way to create energy flows that the majority of conduits could benefit from without any major side effects.

Using a more subtle approach, I was able to move energy from the crown chakra down to the root and move it back up to the crown without sending it out of the crown.

I then could repeat the process over and over again which produced an intense energetic experience without the psychosis or multiple orgasms.

To end the session, I would simply cap the crown chakra to prevent the invasion of any malevolent entities or energies.

This incredible technique creates alignment within all 7 chakras, eliminates any disparities in energetic density, and helps the conduit receive my aura in a nurturing aspect.

Most importantly, it helps my conduits experience a deep form of Platonic Intimacy with me without the advanced initiations.

Kundalini Looping is truly the foundation of the Kama Shakti healing practice.

If you would like to explore this magical experience, you can contact me directly to discuss your options at kamashakti@2030.email.


#KamaShakti #PlatonicIntimacy #Tantra7 #TantraToolbox #WisdomTouch #AvatarInfiVision #SacredVirgin 


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