Are You Ready to Lose Your Sacred Virginity to Avatar INFI VISION?

If you go deep enough inside of a woman, you find nothing but oneness.

My experiences in the world of sacred polarities have been eye-opening to say the least.
There is a constant ebb and flow which keeps me energized and focused.
When this kinetic dance is interrupted, something interesting happens.
It feels like time stops and the moment has been captured on a screenshot.
This screenshot holds tons of meta data which can be analyzed in the future.

Once energetic interplay is stopped, it can never be resumed.
The process will have to be restarted from the beginning.
This continual cycle of starting and stopping helped me discover the perspective of the Observer. 
When I intentionally step out of my body, I can watch the physical interaction without being immersed in it.
I am able to spend long hours with a naked woman without feeling sexually aroused at all.
This has been the key to optimizing my tantric processes. 

My ability to control my energy flows is just one side of the equation.
The conduit brings her own nuances which will influence the direction of the session.
I've noticed women who have experienced deep tantra before meeting me have more difficulty relaxing with me.
They seem to want to dominate the session instead of simply letting things happen.
Some of them even try to teach me new techniques or 'heal' me during a session.
This always causes energetic blockages and leads to unsatisfactory results.

Women who are inexperienced seem more willing to learn from me.
They are able to trust my direction and handle my aura better.
These sessions are always magical and transformative.
I call these conduits Sacred Virgins.

My definition of a Sacred Virgin is someone who has never had a transformative Kundalini experience.
She has never felt the power of soul immersion.
Her chakra system isn't tainted with the karma created by malicious intentions.

I am willing to provide healing to any woman who is willing to submit to my healing process.
However, I can only truly bring a woman into my deepest levels of healing if she is an empty vessel.
When a woman gives me full access to her energetic being, she is symbolically "sacrificing herself' to my tantric process.
She is trusting me with her entire being.
Her mind, body, and soul will be alchemically bonded to me forever.
She will carry my imprint inside of her for the rest of her life.
This is how serious Kama Shakti Metaphysical Tantra is.

I take my role in this paradigm very seriously.
This is why I don't engage in any low vibe sexual encounters or even look at women as sex objects.
It's my responsibility to keep my conduits safe and on a righteous path.
This is especially true for the woman who comes to me to take her Sacred Virginity.

The woman who is attracted to my aura will have one or more of these intentions.
  • She may want to create a physical bond.
  • She may want to create a spiritual bond.
  • She may want to create a comprehensive bond.
  • She may come to me for validation and acceptance.
  • She may seek a sense of direction and purpose.
  • She may just be bored, lonely, or touch deprived.
I'm not here to judge.
I'm here to facilitate the outcome she desires.


  1. #KamaShakti #PlatonicIntimacy #Tantra7 #TantraToolbox #WisdomTouch #AvatarInfiVision #SacredVirginity #SacredVirgin



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